Meat Linked To Breast Cancer
Another study from Harvard Medical School has linked eating meat with breast cancer in women. This study of 90,000 women found that the more meat women ate in their early years, the more profound was the occurance of breast cancer as they aged the next 12 years. The authors also noted that eating meat was already associated with colon and other cancers and strongly urged the reduction in meat consumption.
This should come as no surprise since, as the authors noted, cancer has already been linked to many other cancers. With this knowledge, the continued increase in breast cancer cases doesn't make sense, does it? In today's world there is more funding, both charitable and public, to find a cure for breast cancer, but the cases continue to rise.
Based on these studies alone, the answer has always been right in front of us. Diet. What you eat and how you treat your body will dictate how it reacts. Studies have confirmed this for years. They always find that when you elimated meat from your diet, the occurances of disease drop dramatically. The China Study, one of the largest ever found that people who eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds are significantly healthier.
Why spend millions on new drug research when a simple campaign to educate people will save more lives than any drug could. The answer to better health and near elimination of disease is to change your diet. Eat mainly fresh and organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, drastically reduce or eliminate meat and processed foods and watch your life change.
To your best health!
P.S. To learn more about the vegan raw diet, visit where you'll find articles, videos, recipes, resources and more.
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