Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Power of The Sun

For some time I've been researching the role the sun plays in our life and how it relates to our diet and health. It's been fascinating to say the least what's been revealed to me.

Here's the story...

Nothing in our world could live without the sun. Can you imagine living in total and constant darkness? There would be no food, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds... any living food requires the sun to grow and mature. There would be no animals since animals need to eat the foods that grow from the sun's energy.

And humans would most likely become extinct since we need the suns energy to live. Those that live on a raw and living foods diet get the most vitality from the sun since they're getting it from every fruit, vegetable, nut and seed they eat. Do you notice that most of those around you that eat processed and 'junk' foods (the SAD diet) look less lively, are paler, normally heavier and don't have the best attitude?

Animals require it also and get the sun's energy in the plants, fruits, nuts and seeds they eat as well.

Do you see the importance, no, the vitality of the sun in our world?

I've also researched and interviewed those that 'sun gaze'. They gaze directly at the sun (during the early sunrise or late sunset when UV rays are lower) and enrich their bodies with the sun's energy. They've experienced tremendous benefits, including lowering your irritability, anger, frustration at first, then later a more peaceful approach towards living, less of a need for food (you're getting the sun's energy directly, rather than from the produce you eat), increased self-confidence, reduction or elimination of diseases and ailments (including depression) and much more. I have friends that sun gaze and have seen these benefits evolve over time as they increased their sun gazing. (For your reference, I strongly encourage you to visit these sites - and others - if you are interested in learning more about sun gazing and the power of the sun: www.SolarHealing.com and www.SunGazing.com)

Unfortunately most in our world today believe the sun is 'evil' and we need 'protection' from it, in the form of sunscreens and lotions. Interestingly, it's the sunscreen and other protection systems that are actually causing many diseases and ailments since the sun provides so many benefits, staying away from it and lathering up with chemicals only enhances the level of toxins in our bodies that lead to disease.

Our bodies need the energy of the sun, the Vitamin D that only the sun can provide which has now been a proven disease fighter and can prevent 77% of all cancers, as recent scientific studies have shown in women.

Why would the establishment want to keep us away from the solution to 77% of all cancer?

One word: MONEY

You see, there is significantly less amount of money to be made from prevention. By encouraging the use of sunscreens and other 'protection' the medical and related industries (health care, cosmetics, lotions, pharmaceuticals, etc) are guaranteed long term profits by treating those with one form of cancer or another. We see health care and treatment costs skyrocketing every day with the increase in diseases and ailments we are experiencing as a nation. Who benefits from this?

It's incredible to believe that this is happening to you and I, but nonetheless it's true.

I encourage you to take responsibility for your own health, to do your own research and do what you think is right for you and your family.

The sun has incredible energy, healing energy that we can't live without.

To your best health!


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