Sunday, August 28, 2005

Inspirational Quotes

"Let food be thy medicine and

let thy medicine be thy food"

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-377 B.C.)

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Rebounding: Easy, Life-Enhancing Exercise

We all know that activity is essential to optimal health and weight right?

One of the more well rounded and effective exercise routines is rebounding. One of the main benefits is drainage of your lymph system which rids your body of toxins and waste build-up. Without activity, your body gets clogged up and is open to development of disease, illness and obesity. Rebounding is very effective in activating your lymph system.

Read my article on the benefits of rebounding for health and reviews of top rebounder equipment.

For your best health!


Friday, August 19, 2005

Want to lose weight? Eat raw!

You may know that I've been vegan for over 12 years. I had success with losing weight... in fact, in addition to the obvious health benefits, it's one of the reasons I decided to transition to a vegan lifestyle.

When I decided to transition further to a raw diet, something interesting happened... I lost more weight! 12 pounds in 2 weeks to be exact. This was interesting because I actually ate more food than when I was vegan. There is a reason for this and I'll it share with you in a future post.

Here are some interesting and very rewarding benefits about transitioning to a vegan/raw food lifestyle:
  • You can eat as much as you desire and not gain weight
  • Your body will find it's optimal weight naturally
  • You can choose from a wide variety of delicious foods and never get bored
  • You'll have abundant energy
  • Your taste buds will come alive
  • You'll lose as much weight as you need naturally
  • You will become more aware of what your body wants (and needs)
  • Your thoughts will be sharp and clear
  • Most if not all your aches, pains and irritations will go away
  • You'll lose taste for unhealthy foods and crave fresh, living foods
These are just some of the benefits I've experienced recently. I feel blessed for this experience and will share more in future posts.

If I can help or answer any questions, feel free to email to: vegancoach(AT) (replace the AT with @).



Looking for convenient, organic and raw whole foods? I highly recommend Whole Food Farmacy!