You Know You're a Raw Foodist When....
- You can't STAND the smell of any kind of Fast Food no matter how delicious it's supposed to be and you can detect who has just eaten a greasy burger by noticing the odor of Fast Food Ooze coming out of that person's skin
- ...your idea of junk food is celery dipped in tahini, agave, cinnamon and cocoa powder....or the best part of your day is when you get to turn on your juicer
- when the guys in the produce department know your name
- You know that a "9" on the sticker on the fruit/veggie (example: 94031) means the produce is organic.
- Your cravings have gone from chocolate chip cookies to a banana wrapped in romaine leafs!
- when you're packing for a trip and the 1st thing you think of is your juicer.
- when your friends use organic produce to bribe you into doing things for them
- When you're buying fruit and the cashier looks at you puzzled and then asks, "You ate all that fruit you bought yesterday?!"
- start using words that are not in the English RAWESOME.
- you walk into a natural foods store and can barley find something to eat
- you make SEXY sounds while eating a mango....
Source: Nature's First Law Forum
Enjoy... to your best health!
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